Many individuals are considering purchasing a house, but given the economy, some question whether it's better to wait.
If you're in that situation, remember to examine what's occurring now and the long-term rewards.
There's a lot of information regarding how homeownership builds net worth. Many individuals still think of 401(k)s as a wealth-building instrument before a house. Young potential homebuyers should know that homeownership is an investment in their future.
The research reveals how much house ownership may improve your life over time. The same Bloomberg article shows the wealth discrepancy between 65-year-old renters and homeowners (see graph below). Despite identical salaries, the disparity is enormous.
If you want to start building money to help you succeed in the future, it may be time to make buying a house one of your top priorities. This is due to the fact that, regardless of whether you choose to rent an apartment or purchase a home, you will still be responsible for monthly housing costs. Will you put your money towards improving yourself and your future, or will you put it into helping someone else, like your landlord, improve their wealth?
Let's talk about your choices before you put your plans to buy a house on hold for the time being. In this manner, you will get professional guidance on making the best choice and investment for your future.